Monday, April 4, 2011

Master Focus!

April's theme is "Knowledge is Power."  Our first week's goal is to improve our focus and have MASTER FOCUS!  Focus is really just another word for concentration.  When you're able to concentrate better and focus on what a teacher is saying to you, your brain gets stronger and you learn faster!  How do you improve your focus and concentration?  By looking, listening to your teacher, and keeping your body completely still.  When you can do all 3 parts, you are a Focus Master.  Next time you are trying to learn something new, use the three levels of focus to learn faster and better:

Levels of the Focus Master-
Level 1- Look directly into his/her eyes
Level 2- Clear your mind and listen
Level 3- Stay perfectly still

Week 1 missions:
1- When speaking to a parent, adult, or teacher, use the three Focus Master techniques
2- Tell your school teacher the 3 rules of a Focus Master
3- Have a parent set a timer and see how long you can stay perfectly still (1 minute is great!)
4- Close your eyes and clear your mind.  Try to think of only one object in detail for 1 minute
5- Take a book and count the words in any paragraph.  Try to perform the county mentally and only with your eyes

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