Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Readers are Leaders!

Reading paves the way to success in school and in life!  It can build your self-confidence and motivate you to set high expectations and goals for yourself.  Reading initiates creativity and opens your mind to expand.  Even reading for 10 minutes can ignite your imagination.  Pick topics you enjoy and hobbies you want to learn more about.  Picking topics that you want to learn more about or things you don't know about are great ways to expand your knowledge and become much smarter.  Develop a steady habit of reading for 10 to 30 minutes each day and your mind will grow with knowledge, creativity, and imagination.  Did you know that if you read 15 minutes a day with your parents, friends, or on your won can expose you to more than one million words in a year!?

For adults:  Find something that you enjoy reading and spend 10-15 minutes reading every night before you go to bed.  A lot of people watch TV before bed and it leads to your brain not wanting to relax into a deep sleep.  Every night, I read my favorite book:  How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie and it helps improve my mood if I have a bad day and helps me focus on something I can do tomorrow to make me better.  Try it!

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